Friday, January 24, 2014

New books!

    Sorry for being inactive for a week or so. I have a lot of things going on right now, and for the past weeks which made my posting here on my blog stop for a period of time. Nonetheless, I hope that my busy days are over, though it doesn't seem like it with the exams coming up. I bought new books and I've been buying some books lately, and I'm really happy about that. But I need to save, like seriously. I have to even though I don't want to. I've been trying to hold myself, and keep myself from looking at the books that are sold online and at the bookstore in our school, which is really hard and I know that all of you understands that. I received some of these books for my birthday and I'm so thankful to have such nice friends. They called me while they were buying the books and asked me what books do I want. To be honest, I had a hard time telling them what I wanted because 1) It's too ironic to pick your own gift 2) I'm completely out of ideas of what books do I really want even though I have tons! 

    I bought Just One Day and Just One Year, finally! And just before the book signing, too. I'll blog about the book signing of Gayle Forman soon, I swear! I just knew from Christine (polandbananasBOOKS) that Just One Year is not a sequel to Just One Day, I was like, seriously? I felt really scammed and surprised in so many levels possible. I was expecting to read more about their love story, or maybe like what Gayle Forman did to the If I Stay series wherein in the second book the guy will narrate, or like what happened after a year. I don't know.. I was completely bummed out about it, but still a book that I'm looking forward to reading since I really like Gayle Forman. 

  I received Hollow City from a friend and while it was still wrapped, when I held the gift I was like "OMG NO...! I know that this is omg I love you" and she was like "Guess what's inside" and I was like "HOLLOW CITY HOW COULD I NOT KNOW". Ransom Riggs' books have this different feel to it like it's heavier even thought it's not that thick. Maybe it's the paper that was used. But yeah, I'm so so so excited to read this book, like I literally am! I've been eyeing on that book ever since it came out. Every time I visit the bookstore, I feel like Hollow City is looking at me and makes me feel uncomfortable because I still haven't bought it yet, I felt like it's mocking me. But yaaaaay, I finally got it! Though I'm not sure when I'm going to read it but having a copy of the book is enough for me.

   Anna and the French Kiss!!!! You don't know how much I wanted to have the book, like it's been sold in our bookstore for a long time and every time I go to our school's bookstore I'll be like picking it up and hugging it and crying to myself why can't I have this book!!! It's so hard to have so many books to love and want because you're always broke that you'll end up not buying the books that you actually want. Don't worry though, I'm teaching myself how to save cash for the books that will come out this year. In fact another book of Stephanie Perkins will be released this year! I'm going to read this book, asap. I feel like I'm always overusing that sentence that's why I, myself doubts if any words I'm saying are true. If you've read this book, please do comment and encourage me to read it soon!

    And lastly, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. Not really a huge fan of his books, but a friend gifted this to me saying that it's a good book. I'm not fond of reading these kind of books, I'm more like the romance, adventure, dystopian and stuff kind of bookworm. Nonetheless, I will really read this book and who knows I might get sucked into it so badly to read more Mitch Albom books and go to his book signing!

   On the other note, I'm still reading To Kill a Mockingbird and I'm kinda deciding whether to stop reading it or not. I'm a few pages left until the ending of the book but it makes me tired and obligated to read it which should not be the case. Maybe classics aren't really my type. I will try my best to finish it probably next week because I promised myself this year to stop reading a new book every time I'm still reading a book. 

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