You guys have no idea how pissed off I am right now. I'm writing this post like half an hour ago and things are going so well! The post was already long and I'm actually halfway to finishing it. I don't even know if I'm in the mood to blog about this right now but I have to force myself to do so because I am so excited to post this since yesterday. *sighs* Now I have to redo it all over again. Anyway, if you're wondering who's the girl on the photo (if you're not then why aren't you? *cries* haha) it's actually Tessa Gray! You know how I love The Infernal Devices and I just have to feature her on my blog~
This post is about the books that I'm going to buy this year, or the books that I'll only buy for this year. Yup, I'm going to limit my book haul this year just because I was so impulsive last (academic) year. I honestly need to save money because my bank is almost close to being 00000.00, haha seriously though. I NEED TO SAVE. 5SOS is rumored to have a concert here this December and I need money to go there. I told mom about it and I'm crossing my fingers that she'll shoulder the ticket! Here are the reasons why I'm limiting the books that I'm going to buy this year:
- For me to see 5SOS: or just hear them because I don't have the luxury to purchase an expensive ticket (I just don't think that it's wise to splurge your money on one night)
- For personal uses: I badly need to save just because I want to go out every week, by myself to read. Now that my mom is KINDA allowing me to go out with our car + I'm going to get my license this summer, I'm thinking that maybe this year is the chance for me to go to Starbucks or maybe Serenitea or McDo just to read a book! I've been wanting to do that for the very long time.
- For hitting the theaters: As you all now there are a lot of book-to-movie adaptations that will hit the cinemas this year and I need the money to watch them ASAP. No one will go with me to watch a movie because I'm not planning on getting involved with any kind of relationship this year that's why I'm going solo to watch my fave books on the big screen. I am a loner so I'm happy to watch them all by myself, honest!
- For my savings: Like what I've said earlier, I need to deposit cash in my bank weekly, and for this (academic) year, I'm going to do that. I swear on the Angel that I will. I've been impractical and I hate myself for that so yeah. I'm going to set things right again.
So yeah, those are basically the reasons why I created this list. My money mostly goes straight to the bookstore; so choosing the books that I only want to buy is smart. Right? I am not confident about me controlling myself but I'm going to try at least!

Books by Cassandra Clare:
If you've been a reader of this blog for a long time, you'll probably know that Cassandra Clare is my top favorite author. I love her writing style, her books, and everything about her! I have not ragrets (haha no ragrets ok) that I've spent every single dime on every book that she published! I love her and I'm going to keep on supporting her, no matter how expensive her books are, hahaha~
- City of Heavenly Fire // Release date: May 27, 2014
I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to have my hands on this book on the release date since I'm totally broke right now. However, I'm going to annoy my mom until she buys me this book. But once I bought this already, I don't think that I'm going to be able to read it immediately. I mean, you know me right! I can't just finish the series I loved for more than 2 years now! I just can't! I think I'm going to read this when TDA's first book is released next year, haha. I'm super cereal, though.
- The Shadowhunters Codex // Released
This book is only available in hardbound, meeeeeeh. It is so expensive, I mean I could buy to books with just by buying this but I HAVE TO. I badly need this in my life. My school's bookstore actually have this and every time I stop by the bookstore my heart just jumps right out of my chest as if telling me: "MEG WHY ARE YOU WALKING AWAY FROM THIS BOOK?" It's so freaking hard but I'm going to buy this. Maybe this July?
- The Bane Chronicles // Release date: November 2014
Even though I am not a huge fan of Magnus (but of course I like him don't get me wrong!), I am seriously intrigued by this book. Magnus have been a part of every Cassandra Clare's books/series so I feel like reading this eBook novella bind-up of his life will make me understand the Shadow World in its depths.

Last book installments to my fave series:
I just can't believe that time passed by so quickly. It feels like it was just the year that I started reading the first book of these series and I'm just waiting for the books to be released, now here I am at the end of the journey of my favorite characters. My mind can't honestly sink in that thought. I am of course having mixed emotions when reading the last books because a part of me badly wants to know the what will happen in the end and a part of me cries because it is going to end. A lot of book series ended this year and that's just too much. But I'm going to try to be happy about it.
- Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins // Release date: August 14, 2014
I haven't bought and read Lola and the Boy Next Door yet so I'm going to buy it before August. Anna and the French Kiss is one of my favorite contemporary novels and I highly recommend it. It's a fun, cute and quick read! I badly need a sweet and happy reads because my booksheld/book tower is loaded with fantasy/dystopian novels.
- The One by Kiera Cass // Release date: May 6, 2014
I obviously won't be able to buy the book yet this May because it's summer. Oh my god, I need a summer job! Hahaha. I'm surely going to buy it on the third week of June though. I want to buy it on the second week of June but that's the week of my friend, Ann's birthday so I need to buy something for her. I am, however, excited to grab a copy of this book. Aaaah~ (I'm still annoyed at America, Maxon and Aspen-- in everyone-- just sayin')
- The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan // Release Date: October 7, 2014
The last book to Rick Riordan's books!!! NO I JUST CAN'T. Have you heard any rumors about him releasing another mythology series or something? Because I have no idea. I wish he'd start on writing another book and release it next year! I won't survive 2015 if he won't. *cries* I am so excited for TBoO aaaah!!! (why isn't RR released the cover yet????)

Books that I really want to have!
These are the books that I've been meaning to have for the longest time, except for To All the Boys I've Loved Before because it was just released a few days ago but I really want to have it soon! I wish that my dad would come home this summer because if he will then I'd be able to buy these books ASAP. I'm still crossing my fingers. We're not yet sure if he's going to spend the summer here that's why we can't plan any outings or whatnot. I just wish that he will 'cause I miss him and it's been a year now. Anyway, I'm going to buy these books on the months that are idle-- when there's no book releases or book-to-movie adaptations hitting the cinemas! The books are in order of what will I buy first soo yep:
- To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
I want to have this because booktubers have been raving about it nonstop, especially PeruseProject and I love her! I want to read this because of her~ Aaaaah, I can't believe I'm going to wait for 3 months just to buy this *cries* but it's worth the wait!
- Mara Dyer Series by Michelle Hodkin
I've been choosing between this series and TID before. And I didn't regret buying TID first! I loved the series to death!!! Anywaaaaay, so I'm probably going to read this book once I've acquired all of them. I just don't want to be "cliff-hanged/hung" so I'm avoiding that situation as much as possible. I feel like I'm going to read the series by the end of the year *CRIES!!*
- Every day by David Levithan
I badly want to read this aaaaah. I have to! I've been hearing nothing but good things about it so of course I need to read this!

Completing the series (optional though):
So I have the first books to these series so I figured out that IF I liked the books I'm going to continue on buying the whole series~ I'm not going to talk about these books though 'cause I have no idea what are they about, I just want to buy all the books in the series. I'm sure that I'm going to like The Warrior Heir series (Idk what's the name of the series hehe sorry) since PeruseProject really liked it! I have mixed feelings about Gone and Beautiful Creatures 'cause booktubers kinda hated them? I'm not sure but I'll try to read these over the summer.
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