Having a little Gayle Forman marathon reading at the moment. Guess I'm going to read all of her books first, just before the month ends. I heard her say when I went to her book signing that she has a new book coming up, and I'm so happy when I knew that one of the main characters of the story is Meg, which is my name. I couldn't be more happy about that. Well, anyway. I finished reading Just One Day today, I've read this book last week but I stopped since I've done a lot of things for the past few days. I compromised myself that I'm going to finish reading this book today and then tomorrow I'm going to study Chemistry. And I'm so glad I did that, and procrastinating motivated me to read this book!
I honestly liked the book, I really did, but I'm still having mixed feelings over it just because I find the story filled with unnecessary fillers. There are a lot of point where the current happenings depressed me that I closed the book and sighed. But before discussing the book, I'm going to make the section wherein it doesn't contain any spoilers. This book I think is about getting lost and finding yourself in the process of being lost. It sounds weird but it literally is. As you read along the book, you'll see how much Allyson changed overtime because of the day she had with the guy she met in Europe, Wilhelm. If you've been dreaming to go to Paris, or it has been one of your life-long dreams then reading this book will just do the same. After reading the book I felt like a Parisian, not a tourist but like someone living in Paris. Gayle Forman elaborated things clear enough for me to visualize how beautiful Paris is and made me add to my checklist to go there and fall in love. It's like Gayle Forman really lived up to the name of Paris as the City of Love. I know that it seems impossible to fall in love to a guy, or in Wilhelm's words to be in love with someone in just a day, but with the protagonist of the story, the impossible seems possible. It was a great adventure, a day in Allyson and Wilhelm's world is truly an adventure if you ask me. They explored Paris, discovered outskirts of it, got lost and loved the feeling of it. and will make you realize a lot of things.These are one of the books wherein you'll see how much the character will grow as you continue reading her story, how much she'll change for who she really wants to be.
I think that it's kind of a romance kind of book? Or maybe just hints of romance in it? I don't know, I feel like it's about self-discovery of the main character, and more like travels, or maybe making friends. Or maybe it's just a Shakespeare kind of book. I kinda want to go out and watch a play now after reading the book, like seriously. Haha anyway, so it's about Allyson who just graduated from high school and her parents gave her a ticket to Paris to spend with her best friend as a graduation gift which is pretty rad. Her mom likes to takeover things for her, mind her business and stuff like that. In short, her mom is like to control her life, plan things ahead of her and yeah. That's basically I think the reason why some "things" happened. I'm itching to tell the story now, so please do read the book and go back and discuss it with me. Adieu!
I'm assuming that you've already read the book so now I'm going to complain how much I hate Wilhelm. He's not exactly my type of guy, not the guy I've always read in book wherein they're sweet and stuff like that. I felt like he barely did anything for her, well except maybe buy her a ticket to Paris and that's all-- and that annoys the hell out of me. I hated that side of the story. I just didn't like him that much because he's a lache (yep this book can teach us French alright). I wonder why he didn't look for her like she looked for him. That's just a turn off. Wilhelm isn't one of my fictional book characters that I loved, which is unusual. The way he looks at other girls when he's with Allyson. I kinda felt like he'd just leave Allyson after that day, like I swear I did. I didn't even hesitated that he was just out to buy breakfast or what, I just knew he's going to leave her. What I also found weird is why would Allyson trust a stranger? I mean, let's all be realistic here. I wouldn't do that, even though the stranger is a hottie like Wilhelm. That's just wrong. I wish that it didn't turn that way. I wish I had the chance to get to know Wilhelm better, not just a day-- it seems so unfair. I was so happy when they finally said they love each other, I was like yehey Wilhelm isn't a jerk after all. I know he isn't really a jerk, he's kinda and somewhat cheesy. I don't totally dislike him, sometimes I'll be like "Aww, Wilhelm, that's really cute." Especially when he got mad at Allyson for being so reckless-- the part where she fought off the bad guys-- that's just cute. He's worried about her, even though she just got a little scar. He's like freaking out and getting mad at her for risking her life. I don't understand Wilhelm at all, like seriously. I'm telling myself to trust him because of the things he did for Allyson like changing his plans for her. But it's hard to trust him that much because he's too unpredictable. All throughout reading the book all I'm thinking about his action is if he's a really good actor to show Allyson that he really likes her. And oh, another thing that got to my nerves is how he doesn't even bother to know Allyson's real name, he's like Lulu that, and Lulu this. It crept me out. I mean dude, really? Do you really have to rename someone that you like? Someone that you just met? I seriously can't understand if he's a bad guy or not, guess I'm going to find out about that on Just One Year 'cause I'm still not convinced what side he's in even though I've already finished the first book
I was so engaged with the fact that Allyson is channeling her inner Lulu. I mean, I feel like Lulu is the secret side of her. She didn't rebel on her teenage days so when she knew that Lulu was inside of her she started rebelling and stuff. I don't really like that she's closing everyone out, including herself. She completely changed herself because of the guy she met for one day. Or maybe she had it all along inside of her? I don't know about you but I prefer when she was timid, not Lulu. I also hated how Melanie-- her best friend forever -- threw away their friendship like it's nothing, like they haven't been friends since they were little. Why would she do that, right? Isn't Lulu the friend that she's always telling Allyson to be? Now that Allyson changed, she stayed away from her like she's a complete alien to her; in fact, Melanie alienated Allyson. She said that Allyson always says no to everything and being boring and stuff. She always change herself to different versions and now that Allyson wanted changed she refused to accept her and then stop talking to her? How mad is that. I therefore conclude that I don't like the characters in this book, sorry. Well, except for Dee. I like him a lot because everything he says and does make sense. Do you know what I mean? He's so cool, with his little lines and stuff. Like:
"People have never known what to make of me, so they're trying to figure it out and tell me what I am."This is just an example of a line that really made me sob a little inside. One of the things I liked about this book is the topic on pretending. I felt like I finally connected to the characters when they've talked about pretending is normal. Dee is one of my favorite characters in the story, or probably my most favorite character.
About her family... I think she has the best family, leave out the fact that her mom likes to mind her own business. But I think her mom's cool, too. I mean she's trying to be the best mom in the world but Allyson can't see that. I feel like she's always looking at the negative aspect of everything. I feel sad for her mom who did nothing but love her, and in the end it isn't just enough for Allyson to realize that what her mom really wanted. To give her a happy life that she won't regret. I wish she'd realize sooner or later what's really been happening, why he mom acts like that. I cried at the part where her mom gave her the phone that she could bring to Paris, and her mom was like so that you can contact us... if you want to and then Allyson was like of course i'd send you pictures and her mom was like, really?? you'd do that? and she was so so happy. And how Allyson said that her mom acted as if she was the one who got a present. How sweet is that? Aww..
I also liked how she came back and looked for the reason why Wilhelm just left and found out that he really didn't leave. I was so surprised when Wilhelm left her a note, and she didn't see the note. And I saw how fast people jump to conclusions. I felt sad for the guy, honestly, because he was beaten up. I wonder why, maybe those guys who were following them few chapters back followed them until the squat? But how can Allyson didn't hear anything if that's the case? I want to read the second book already because there's a lot of things to discover and a peek inside Wilhelm's mind is just what I want to have right now. As I've said before, I just can't understand the guy. So, when she traveled and saved up for the trip to Paris to find answers that was the best. How everyone she met supported her and understood her situation. I find that really cool because you don't normally see people like that. And their support made her strong enough to face Wilhelm in the end. I was so scared that she might just go back to America and just give up, after all that she's been through. I literally sighed because of relief when she knocked on Wilhelm's door. I saw how much she longed for him, how far she'd go just to find the answers. And I'm itching to know what Wilhelm's life had become, if he also changed like Allyson did.I knew that Wilhelm already had a girlfriend, many things can happen in one year. And it's obviously true that many things can happen in one day that can change your life. That's why a guy like Wilhelm who checks out other girls EVERY SINGLE TIME, I'm not surprised that he's moved on (or is he?) and found someone to love or accurately to sleep with. Haha. I wish he'd make up with Allyson and explain things to her though. I want to know what happened on everything, like really. If he's really serious with her from the start or did he really love her and if he does, does he still love her? Many questions are bombarding my mind, and it's weird because I'm considering to add mystery to the genre of this book. I mean, who wouldn't be interested and mystified with what happened during that day?
I'm so tempted to read the second book but it hurts to finish all the books of Gayle Forman just like that. But yeah, maybe I'll start reading the second book. From what I've heard from Christine (polandandbananaBOOKS), Just One Year is just a companion novel, that's another reason why I don't really want to read the book. Nonetheless, it's still going to be on the top of my to-read books. So yeah, talk to you guys later!! Hope you liked this post~